Soren Kisiel
The Montana Mikado
“Such a fun re-interpretation of G&S! Relevant, engaging, approachable, and very fun for all ages. I heard belly laughs from teenagers and 80+ patrons alike!”
“It’s nice to see the brave approach of not just performing a stand alone work, but inventing something new. Bozeman’s first real opera!”
“There are no words to describe how amazing the ingenuity of the re-write and the singers were! This should have been required to watch by every resident!”
“Relevant, smart, funny lyrics, beautiful music & singing, and acting, dancing, staging…really the whole package! It was all masterfully presented!”
“It was sublime to be able to enjoy the music of The Mikado wholeheartedly because its outdated content had been scrapped and completely redone. I am in awe that IOB took this on and am grateful for how beautifully it was accomplished.”
“This is the best operetta experience I have ever had! It was witty and at times hilarious yet not so silly that it became uncomfortable. I can’t imagine how you will ever top this performance!”
Introducing: “Socially-Distanced Saturdays”
For each Saturday performance of The Montana Mikado, seating and ticketing will be arranged so that each individual, party, or group will be seated at least one seat apart in each row from the adjacent individual, party, or group. If you prefer socially-distanced seating, you may buy tickets for the Saturday performances. Seating protocol will be reevaluated for future shows. If you have special requests for being seated directly next to another individual, party, or group, please contact us at or (406) 587-2889.
Seating Chart
“Such a fun re-interpretation of G&S! Relevant, engaging, approachable, and very fun for all ages. I heard belly laughs from teenagers and 80+ patrons alike!”
“It’s nice to see the brave approach of not just performing a stand alone work, but inventing something new. Bozeman’s first real opera!”
“There are no words to describe how amazing the ingenuity of the re-write and the singers were! This should have been required to watch by every resident!”
“Relevant, smart, funny lyrics, beautiful music & singing, and acting, dancing, staging…really the whole package! It was all masterfully presented!”
“It was sublime to be able to enjoy the music of The Mikado wholeheartedly because its outdated content had been scrapped and completely redone. I am in awe that IOB took this on and am grateful for how beautifully it was accomplished.”
“This is the best operetta experience I have ever had! It was witty and at times hilarious yet not so silly that it became uncomfortable. I can’t imagine how you will ever top this performance!”
Production Photos
Principal Artists
Production Team
Proudly Sponsored By
Bank of Bozeman
Bank of Bozeman